Below you will see the RSS Feed widget. Many websites generate RSS feeds to enable users and websites to feature a set of links. Typically you find blogs generate feeds, but our publication feature also does this. Below you see Event feeds from the Loveland Chamber of Commerce. The events are maintained in Chamber Master but can be publicly displayed anywhere.
This shows the City of Loveland Event Calendar. This widget is formatted to show events as a bulleted list with only the event title. This makes for a more compact display and works well for a side bar.
Invalid URL: http://cityofloveland.org/Rss.aspx?type=4
This shows the Loveland Chamber of Commerce "Featured Events". The widget is formatted to show the events as a series of entries showing both the title and any HTML formatting in the Event itself.
Invalid URL: http://www.chambermaster.com/directory/include/rss/593/FeaturedEvents.rss